A review by vegancleopatra
Every Day is an Atheist Holiday by Penn Jillette


I haven't read or seen much from Penn Jillette before reading this and unfortunately now I feel like I may know too much. I did, however, know Jillette was an atheist so this plus the title made me curious as to the book's substance. Unfortunately the book contains very little on atheism and the chapters that do contain so much meandering by the author that it gets lost. Overall the tangential topics, ranting and general meandering by Jillette made the chapter headings and subjects pointless. I was also put off by the often crude and sexual notes by Jillette, if they're facts fine but the ones that were just to evoke a certain image or emotion from the reader annoyed me greatly. I honestly did not need to have some of the images he conjured in my head! Overall this book is very self-involved, light on atheism and heavy on rants and boredom.