A review by dallasf
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


This is one book I could not finish. It’s not worth the hype in my opinion. Given, I appreciate the author adding in a sub-par plot line, and giving some sort of caring plot line for Zade.

Some scenes were just unrealistic. Being quite familiar with firearms, I know how difficult it is to hit a target, and hitting a target dead center when firing from INSIDE a HOODIE pouch would be extremely difficult even for the most trained individual.

Need I mention the gun play? I think. Not

But we are led to believe that Zade is a man that cares for individuals being sexualized and trafficked. All the while being infatuated with Addie? But hates what the traffickers do to those they take. Then turns around and leaves Addie feeling violated and crying on the floor after taking advantage of her. It just doesn’t make sense to me on bit. It broke the immersion and only felt like it was added in for ‘spice’ factor and a plot that wanted to be used, but didn’t quite execute it properly.

Then the fmc, I’m sorry I just don’t have any pity for the girl from the beginning. I feel no connection to her or a reason to care what happened to Gigi.

Maybe one day I’ll give this book another chance, but today is not that day.