A review by gkneveu
Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff


I am really surprised that this is a Newbery Honor book and that it has such high ratings and good reviews. To begin with the writing is sub-par with some very awkward moments that make me feel as if there was little editing. Most of all, though, was the fact that it seemed to be written by someone who had done absolutely no research into the foster care system. Now, I'm not going to claim that I'm an expert, but I'm at least aware enough to recognize all the inconsistencies throughout this book.

Now, I realize that this is a children's book, but there really could have been more back story to Hollis. The way it is, we don't get to see what drives her feelings and actions, they just are. Children's books can still be honest without being too much for a kid and this book just isn't honest. Hollis is a foster kid yet her past experiences in the system aren't even hinted at. We know she's run away from half a dozen homes but no reason is given besides "I got sick of them and they got sick of me." I just see the author as being cowardly for not taking the story further, for not putting more into the character. This book is supposed to be an award winner, yet it does nothing brave or new and does not push any boundaries. It's totally safe and predictable.

Speaking of predictable, this is another issue I had with the book. Within the first few pages (literally), I had already predicted the rest of the book. Again, just because it's a children's book doesn't mean it can get away with being unsophisticated. Had I read this when I was younger I'm sure I would have felt patronized. Absolutely nothing surprised me about the book. Even the parts that were supposed to be mysterious and drive the plot forward were painfully obvious.

Coming to the end, the entire last fourth or so of the book was far too contrived. It went from being unrealistic to completely unbelievable. None of the characters' actions made sense and I was left rolling my eyes at the events that lead up to the perfect ending wrapped in a little bow.

If your looking for a book about a girl in foster care I would go with [b:The Great Gilly Hopkins|163465|The Great Gilly Hopkins|Katherine Paterson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1443418961l/163465._SY75_.jpg|1258731].