A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Steeped in Malice by Vicki Delany


Steeped in Malice by Vicki Delany has Lily Roberts on the hunt for teacups and saucers for her Cape Cod tearoom, Tea by the Sea. The find of a darling Peter Rabbit children’s tea set ends up sending trouble to Lily’s doorstep. I thought Steeped in Malice was well-written with developed characters. The author’s vivid descriptions allows me to envision the Victorian bed and breakfast, the charming tearoom, and Lily’s quaint cottage that overlooks Cape Cod Bay. The mystery was entertaining. The Peter Rabbit tea set ends up being a hot commodity. One person is willing to kill for something hidden inside the wicker basket that holds the children’s tea set. There are a handful of suspects (I was surprised there were not more considering the victim’s horrid attitude). Lily, with help from her bestie, Bernie and her grandmother, Rose ask questions and search for clues. Wesley, Lily’s ex-boyfriend (the chef with a big head), turns up like a bad penny. Wesley was married to the victim (and hoping for a large inheritance). The whodunit can be solved before the reveal if you pay close attention. There is a good reveal and wrap up. This was my favorite mystery in this series. There are some interesting developments at the end, but I will have to wait for the next book to see how they impact Lily. Steeped in Malice is the fourth A Tea by the Sea Mystery. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. Bernie, Lily’s best friend, is a character that I found irritating in previous books. I did not find Bernie as trying this time (she is growing on me). Bernie is flighty especially when it comes to her writing (I wonder if she will ever finish a manuscript). However, Bernie does have a heart of gold and is always there for Lily when she is needed. I love Lily’s labradoodle, Éclair. Rose’s cat, Robert the Bruce, suits her. I enjoyed the humor sprinkled through the story. Rose can always be counted on for a chuckle or two. There are tasty treats mentioned throughout the books with recipes for a couple of the mouthwatering morsels at the end. Steeped in Malice is a tantalizing tale with a rare Peter Rabbit tea set, a slain sibling, a missing missive, a self-centered ex-suitor, scrumptious scones, and a new advent.