A review by peeyarlmarie
Secrets of the Tudor Court: The Pleasure Palace by Kate Emerson


This novel, [b:The Pleasure Palace|5508080|The Pleasure Palace (Secrets of the Tudor Court, #1)|Kate Emerson|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347910274s/5508080.jpg|5610107] ,has a classical theme, the very reason I was enamored with it during the first glance. And, fortunately, I do not regret of having read it.

First of all, the language used is most suitable for all readers for it offers Modern English, not the English spoken during the said era. Hence, making it easier to read. The excessive descriptions helped me envisioning the court, the clothing and the places mentioned. The flow of the story is quite smooth indeed, making me crave for more words to read, chapter after chapter.

The recreation of a historical figure, Jane Popyncourt, into one of the most important persons in the 16th century is rather appealing. She was a mere gentlewoman & mistress during her time but in this novel, she is given palpable importance, making some of the characters revolve around her. I admire, [a:Kate Emerson|2396206|Kate Emerson|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1269957788p2/2396206.jpg], for the creativity and uniqueness of the plot. It tainted me with a gigantic blot of curiosity inside.

Lastly, I'd like to read more of Emerson's works.

Enticing novel. Great! :)