A review by pages_and_procrastination
Lulu Sinagtala and the City of Noble Warriors by Gail D. Villanueva

I was given a digital copy of this title, free. All opinions are my own. 
To be completely honest, I wanted to enjoy this a lot more than I actually did. My mood changing is partially to blame, but so is the book. The most stand out thing about this book is that it was based on Filipino mythology. There are some key things that I likes about Lulu- mainly that she was the most realistic "I've suddenly got powers and now I have to save the world" character I've read for a while. She's not enthusiastic about having powers or being the chosen one. Ad while she has been training for this for most of her life, she doesn't automatically know what to do or how to use weapons. It's not all handed to her. But other than this, this was your pretty standard middle grade quest fantasy, with a bit of friends/found family, magic and big evil out to do the whole world bad. You do get to learn about the Filipino pantheon of gods.