A review by emmapants
Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique by Jane O'Connor


In Fabulous Fashion Boutique, the Clancys have a yard sale the week before Nancy's little sister JoJo's birthday. When Nancy sells a necklace that JoJo really wanted instead of giving it to her for her birthday, she realizes her mistake and buys it back instead of saving her money for the fancy fan she wanted. JoJo is thrilled and their parents reward Nancy by buying her the fan. Nancy and JoJo are just the sweetest and it's a nice message about doing good things and good things will come back to you.

Read my full review and comparisons to other books at my blog: http://shorteasywordsreviews.blogspot.com/2011/03/pink-stories-for-girls-that-youll-want.html