A review by floydian
Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata by Devdutt Pattanaik


"Growth is thus not a one-time activity; it is a process where decisions to overpower the beast within have to be taken every single moment"

I had very scarce knowledge of this epic tale but after reading this book, I think I know a lot many things now. Growing up I heard the tales from our elderly and saw a lot of shows surrounding JAYA. They felt more like a dramatic version of what in actuality it is. I don't think the facts were tampered with but I cannot be sure of it.

Devdutt Pattanaik had a pretty straightforward approach in retelling this. I had a lot of learnings from JAYA for which I'm grateful to the writer. Especially for not complicating it.

FYI: My review might change with time as I dig deeper into this but for a greenhorn in the genre/tale, there's no harm in reading this book to develop an actual interest.

Verdict: I am pretty sure there are better retellings of this tale but for someone who just started to actually understand what Mahabharata is, the book does its job :)

Let us all have faith. Let us all be at peace—with ourselves, our worlds, and all the rest there is. Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.