A review by eesh25
Ninth Key by Jenny Carroll, Meg Cabot


This book wasn't too great. Sure, I love Susannah and adore Jesse, but I feel like, as a series, not much happened.

The name Ninth Key also wasn't a very big part.

The writing has a lot of Commas. But that's the way Suze speaks so I can't fault that. What did irk me was how the dialogue was always interrupted. Like, "What," he asked, "are you doing?" instead of "What are you doing?" he asked.
Almost all the dialogues were like that. It got a little annoying. There was also some present tense- past tense jumble but I'm confused as to whether that was an error or if it was because the book shifted a lot from Suze doing something to her telling us about something that happened earlier or the day before. (Am I making any sense?)

It wasn't a bad book. I liked the ending and the story. It was a quick read. I just wasn't blown away by it or anything. But this is an interesting series and I recommend checking it out. I'll be continuing with it soon.