A review by bevlynch
Want to Know a Secret? by Freida McFadden



Everyone has secrets.

YouTube baking sensation April Masterson knows the secret to the perfect gooey brownies. Or how to make key lime squares that will melt in your mouth. But if you keep watching her offline, you may find out some other secrets about April. Secrets she’d rather you didn’t know.

Like where did her son go when he snuck out of the house? What was she doing with the local soccer coach behind fogged windows? And what’s buried in her backyard?

Everyone has secrets. Some are worse than others. April’s secrets are enough to destroy her.

I’ll make sure of that.

My review
I listened to this book via audiobook on Scribd. I am making my way through Freida McFadden's books because I really enjoy her writing style and how she builds up suspense with twists I never see coming. This book lived up to my expectations!
I felt that the begining was a little slow, but it built up the character developments.
I found a lot of the characters really annoying and unlikeable. They were typical rich mom's, self absorbed and obsessed with their image.
However, after the halfway mark the story really picked up and had me gripped! We also start to see alternating perspectives at this point. Then all the twists and turns happen and the end.... Wow! My brain is confused.
⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars from me.