A review by labunnywtf
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters


Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

In 1991, four friends met up to share stories about serial killers. They talked about Ted Bundy's dreamy eyes, and the grossness of John Wayne Gacy. They were all friends with each other, but Rachel and Gia were best friends, and Becca and Heather were best friends.

Until the story of the Red Lady. Until the night Heather killed Becca.

30 years later, Heather receives a package in the mail, proving that someone knows what happened that night. Someone knows she murdered Becca. Someone wants revenge.

This story has so much potential. It's a thriller with a healthy mix of horror elements. As you're going along, you're never quite sure whether someone is messing with Heather, or if the phantom witch from their childhood is back to wreak havoc on her adult life.

Unfortunately, adult Heather is absolutely insufferable. We meet her at the same time she receives the package, and everyone in her life talks about how she's so different and something is clearly wrong. We don't get the chance to see her as a real person, only this extremely unprofessional basket case looking around every corner and ruining her marriage and friendships.

The best part of this book is the flashbacks. The dynamic between the four friends is so very real and believable. The only thing missing was a secret three-way phone conversation. The secrets friends hide from each other, the tiny cuts teenagers give each other with the expectation that all will be forgiven tomorrow.

The buildup in this book is amazing, the creep factor is brilliant and you really do wonder if this is a human or paranormal villain.

But the ending....is a major bummer. It absolutely comes out of left field with no foreshadowing whatsoever, and you're left shaking your head and wondering what you just read.

This was not a waste of precious reading time, but the disappointment was very, very real. I expected more.