A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Moonlit Citrine by Emmy Dee


Every week I'm already looking forward to the new arc landing in my mailbox. Those books are quick reads, but they're most of all very entertaining and they give a certain kind of hope. For some reason when I read these books I get the feeling that happily ever afters, soulmates and nice stories are for everyone. I mean, almost every girl here gets her own harem and almost every guy in that harem is a guy I would want to date.

Let me start this review with saying that Citrine is an amazing character to read about. She has her own store, one that pays the rent and that pays her chicken nuggets. She doesn't NEED those guys to provide for her, but it's quite clear that when she's around them she's happier. Citrine is light hearted, positive, a little clumsy at times, but she's also the kind of woman I would like to be myself. She feels real and pure and honest.

What I really enjoyed in this book is that two of the guys in this story are her childhood friends. The ones who didn't say a word for years, but who did make sure that no other guy would ever come near her. Although I would have loved to see a little more flashbacks to give me a sense of what their relationship has been like, what kind of friendship they had, I like how Citrine was the same around them when they were just friends as she is when they become more.

On top of that I liked how easily the two new guys fitted in and how one of them brought the mystery of this book with him. I personally would have loved to see a little more emotional bonding scenes between the characters, especially between Citrine and the ones she was not so familiar with, but the mystery, triggering the supernatural powers Citrine didn't know she had, made up for quite a lot. I liked how Citrine was both the hero and the damsel, just like her guys were.

I'm already looking forward to the next one in this series! So far all the books have been so much fun!