A review by livres_de_bloss
My Best Friend's Murder by Polly Phillips


I have been looking forward to reading this book for months!

I found it to be… okay. It had a lot of tropes I’m starting to find tedious (idiotic MC, cheating partners, bratty kids that can do no wrong). The book was fine overall but nothing mind-blowing or new.

While I empathized with Bec at the beginning, she started to get on my nerves quickly. She was such a doormat! She should have cut off contact with Izzy at Christmas. It was frustrating and baffling how she continued to go back for more time and time again.

Part of what made this book a bit disappointing was the total lack of sympathetic characters. They were all objectively terrible (except Missy who just disappeared by the end).

I found the sections between the event and the conclusion super tedious and drawn out. The ending itself was way out of left field levels of implausible. I’m still not entirely convinced by the motive there.
Spoiler It crossed my mind that Tilly had pushed Izzy. Now wouldn’t that have been a turn up? It would explain her apparent newfound violence and aggression too?

Lastly I was distracted by a the sloppy writing within the book: using the wrong character’s names, poor grammar, and clunky sentences.