A review by cj_mo_2222
Untrue till Death by Graham Brack


I really enjoy the author’s Josef Slonský series, but wasn’t sure what to expect when I first read the prior book in the Master Mercurius series. If you are new to this series, put aside what you think a mystery set in the Netherlands during the 17th century might be like. This isn’t like plodding through a history book. “Untrue Till Death” is a fast-paced, interesting novel that is full of wit and humor. I am not familiar with this part of history but had no problem becoming engaged with the story or connecting with the main character. Master Mercurius, who is both a Protestant minister and also secretly a Catholic priest, is easy to relate to. He is dealing with university politics, resisting temptation, and trying to succeed in his job just like someone in modern times.

“Untrue Till Death” is the second book in this series, but stands alone if you’ve missed the first one. In this installment, Master Mercurius is given a task that is actually a cover for a secret mission for Stadhouder William of Orange. He has been asked to visit a nearby university and find out if the Stadhouder’s elderly informant is still up to doing his job after a recent setback in his health. Mercurius is already anxious about this assignment when a murderer strikes, making the mission more sensitive and dangerous than before. Now Mecurius has to find out who he can trust and catch a killer before he becomes the next victim.

Graham Brack takes the reader on a journey along with Mercurius in his quest to complete his assignment for the Stadhouder. The plot of the book is complex but entertaining . I wasn’t as adept as Mercurius at being able to distinguish between the heroes and the traitors, so I was surprised when all the details were disclosed at the end of the story. I like everything about this book - the main character, the interesting secondary characters, the setting, the plot, and the humor. I have not yet been disappointed by any of Brack’s books and am excited to see there will be another book in this series that is currently planned for later this year.

I received this ebook through the courtesy of Sapere Books. An advance copy was provided to me at no cost, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.