A review by anasatticbookblog
Royally Remembered by Emma Chase


Royally Remembered by Emma Chase
A Royally Series Companion Novella. Does Not Stand Alone. 
4.5 Stars

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Royally Remembered by Emma Chase is a royally series companion novella - a collection of short stories that take place before, during, and after the four full-length books (Royally Screwed, Royally Matched, Royally Endowed, and Royally Yours).

I started to read this on the way out to L.A. for Passioncon because Emma was there (They optioned Royally Screwed) and I wanted to have read her latest. But I had to put it down mid-flight because I was bawling my eyes out on the plane! I didn’t think I would remember enough details from the series to enjoy this companion novella, but OMG, every short story just hit me right in the feels and reminded me why I loved this series so much.

quote from Royally Remembered

Most of the stories are about Queen Lenora and Edward, and we get to see much more of the softer, vulnerable side of the queen.
“Why do I have to stay? Why do I have to endure and grieve when everyone else gets to go? Death is easier . . . it’s the living that’s so very hard.”

I have loved this series from the beginning. If you have as well, Royally Remembered is a MUST READ. It’s a glimpse at some of the behind-the-scenes moments that shaped the stories.
“When it comes time for you to marry, you must choose a good, arrogant man.” “Arrogant?” “Yes. A man who is so confident in himself and who loves you so completely, he’ll be perfectly happy to stand in your shadow . . . to watch you shine. Never settle for anything less.”

While it was an AMAZING read for lovers of the series, it was missing the light and fun moments Emma Chase is known for, it was purely emotional wreckage, except maybe one or two things.
“Dear God, my grandparents are flirting with each other. This is what hell must be like.”


  • •I loved visiting the royal family again.

  • •It feels like these moments were so important to the series.

  • •Made me want to go back and start all over.

  • •Getting more insight into the woman behind the stoic Queen Lenora felt like a gift.


  • •It needed more of Emma’s trademark funny to balance out the torrent of emotion.

The Down & Dirty:

Royally Remembered by Emma Chase does not stand alone. It’s meant to be read after reading the entire Royally Series, especially Royally Yours. These short stories brought me right back into the series despite being 3-4 years since I read it last. It was also one of the most emotional books I read this year. I cried BUCKETS. It was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time and it made it even harder to say goodbye to these characters again. The only thing missing was more of Emma Chase’s humor, which is what I love most about her writing. It would have helped to balance out the emotions that Royally Remembered brought out.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Purchase Royally Yours by Emma Chase

(included in Audible Plus)

See my review for Royally Screwed
See my review for Royally Matched
See my review for Royally Endowed
See my review for Royally Yours

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