A review by booksnbeanies
The Evolution of Jeremy Warsh by Jess Moore


Jess Moore did a brilliant job with this novel. She’s very descriptive and makes everything easy to imagine. I absolutely loved this book and its characters. I liked how easy it was to read and how quickly I got through it. The first couple of chapters are more about Jeremy’s life and introduces the other characters. Then it gets more into the plot and you won’t be able to put it down.

The main character Jeremy seems really cool. I immediately wanted to be his friend. He lives with his mom and dreads hearing from his dad. He draws like his Grandpa used to which plays a big part in the story. He’s basically trying to find himself throughout the book and it was fun to go on that journey with him.

Jeremy’s best friends Kasey and Stuart are pretty cool too. I think I liked Stuart the most between the two. Kasey gets annoying sometimes and she’s kind of pushy. Stuart has been Jeremy’s best friend since they were little and although it doesn’t say so in the book Jeremy’s mom basically treats Stuart kind of like a son. He just walks in their house, eats their food, etc. Their friendship grows throughout the story as Jeremy grows and starts to figure out what he wants for himself.

There is plenty of romance throughout the book as well, but it’s not the main point of the novel. It’s also to shoved in your face like some novel tend to do. The main point of the novel is Jeremy’s evolution of self. He finally grieves his grandfather’s death and starts drawing again, starts becoming more interested in doing things for himself, and finds a relationship that’s all his own. The author blends all the background stuff perfectly to make sure that you know the main point of the story is Jeremy’s evolution. It’s very rare that I give a book a five-star rating and I’m so happy that I was able to do so with this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Nine Star Press, LLC for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.