A review by birdielemon
Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris


4 stars!

This book is historical fiction and adult which are two genres that are very foreign to me and quite frankly historical fiction is my least favorite genre of all. But my friend was reading the Bridge of Scarlet Leaves in class one day and kept raving about it and how I had to read it too. So once she was done she lent it to me to read, and I'm so glad I gave this book a chance!

This book is driven by the character's journey in dealing with the war and family issues of their own. the historical aspect of the book doesn't over power the story and just paves the path that the characters take, which I really appreciated.The Bride of Scarlet Leaves is a roller coaster of emotions. Once you think the situations the characters are going through cant get any worse, they do. McMorris did a wonderful job portraying each characters individual emotion when faced with these situations. Also, To speak of her writing, the book is told in 3rd person but switches focus in each chapter. For instance, if the chapter was more focused on Lane, in the next it might be more focused on another important character like TJ. I wasn't use to this style right away but I quickly got use to it and it became an aspect of the book I really enjoyed. Also, McMorris' picturesque writing style paints a really vivid picture in your mind of the time period and day to day life of these characters. This book was so realistic. The characters were no where close to being perfect and made some stupid choices, but that all comes with being human and made the book that much more believable.

The main emotion portrayed in this book would be loyalty and how important it is to a relationship either with family, friends, or that special someone. To read about the great lengths these characters went through for their loved ones was breath taking. It makes me rethink the way I act towards my friends and family; the characters were truly inspiring.

Your probably wondering why I didn't give it all 5 stars then. Well, even though I thought this book was very well written and the characters were developed beautifully, there were various slow parts in the book that made me not what to read. Those sections didn't last long but they still had an effect on my over all view of the book.

I highly recommend this book to people looking for a WWII story with a different perspective, or people who are looking for a highly complicated romance. I really glad my friend lent me this book and who knows maybe I will pick up even more historical fiction in the future.