A review by shellysbookcorner
Of Demons & Stones by Anne L. Parks


Of Demons and Stones

I've been a fan of Parks since her debut novel "Strangers". When I saw she was writing a romantic suspense I had to check it out. I enjoyed the story and the writing was good as usual. My main issue was with the heroine! Kylie was supposed to be this tough lawyer and go getter. Meanwhile her ex boyfriend was abusive and she stayed silent. John (ex) did some unspeakable things to her and she never told anyone for the sake of her career. Meanwhile they still work together and he is harassing her on a regular basis!! Get it together Girl!!! If I was Kylie I would have reported him long time ago!!

The relationship between Kylie and Alex. Man oh man this relationship was deeper than I thought it would be. Alex wasn't your typical billionaire playboy. He had a real sad and legit reason why he was the way he was. That's was such a heartbreaking moment in the book and I wanted to hug him. Kylie has her own demons as well. What I enjoyed the most about their relationship was that it wasn't perfect. They both had issues and fought a lot. Some of the fights could have been avoided if Kylie wasn't so damn stubborn! Like come girl now is not the time to play around!

Overall I enjoyed the story very much, story has a combination of everything I enjoy! The ending left me pissed in a good way and yes it's a cliffhanger but the next book will be out soon! I can't wait to see what awaits Kylie and Alex in Revenge.

*Review copy was given in exchange for honest review*

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