A review by gypsydawn
The Rebel's Vision by Kristen Banet


Holy smokes!!!! Not only does this book hit the ground running, it rarely stops. We have the ebbs and flows that are natural to Epic Fantasy, the pauses in the plot push where time moves forward, relationships are solidified and subtle motions are made... yet this IS THE book where the crux and heart of the metaplot is forged in iron and blood.

After deciding that just existing and saving the occasional Andinna slave wasn't enough anymore, the Ivory Shadow company, or rather, the Royal Guard, are stepping up and stepping in.... crafting a dangerous and bold rebellion against their Elvisi Overlords - and everything that they represent. It's brash, it's suicidal, and it's the only option they have left.

Mave truly makes large leaps forward in this installment, discovering who she is beyond the blade and grit. Her relationships are growing, adding hearts to the mix WE, as readers, may have seen coming, yet seem to surprise her with their reality. She needs it though, the love and comfort of a steady heart, and what a full Mayara (though it's not quite full yet, is it?) may mean for her and the rest of her men. It's emotional and raw, and breaks down what it means to really understand where another is coming from... and where they are going.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

**I received an ARC of this novel and am thrilled to share my honest opinion!**

~ Mave is FINALLY letting go some of her anger and fear, stepping beyond her past and starting to see a way to a future where she can be the Andinna she is meant to be.
~ Alchan.... while I really want him with Mave, his Character Arc is divine.
~ Luykas - I adore that white winged fool.
~ Revelations: There are so many... but still quite a few questions left and new ones raised.
~ Family units. Enough said.
~ Epic Fantasy done right.

~ Oh Mave... that last bit? What the heck are you thinking???

~ Third Person, Multiple POV

Ending Type
~ Cliffhanger, episodic

~ R to Mature

Romantic Dynamic
~ MMMF (for now) Elsewhere, M/M

Character Age Range
~ 1000+

My FInal Verdict on The Rebel's Vision

I am head over heals in love with this series and recommend it to any and everyone! If you like fantasy, you'll love this. If you enjoy Reverse Harem, you'll love this. And if you just love complicated, deadly and political machinations and plots... you'll love this. Free on Kindle Unlimited.