A review by georgesreads
American Cannibal by Maenad Press, Rebecca Rowland


It’s been an honour and a privilege to read this unique and amazing anthology as an ARC. There were definitely some incredibly disturbing sequences and GROSS scenes. I love reading anthologies because
1. I have a short attention span.
2. I fly through them
3. It exposes me to new authors!

Here are my top 5:

“Carnivore” by Jeremy Megargee. This author is completely new to me and I’m thrilled to have discovered him. This story was grotesque, obviously cannibalistic and read like a fucked up jungle book. This short story discusses a mother and what she is willing to sacrifice for her infantile daughter when lost in the woods. 4/5

“Gold Rush” by V.Castro truly excited me when I saw it would be included in this anthology. This was RIGHT down my alley, and I feel honoured to have read it early. A mysterious establishment prides itself on giving food to those who need it, but there are lots of hungry mouths to feed and the owner doesn’t want to disappoint. 5/5

“Wendigo Dreams” by Owl Goingback. I have Crota on my TBR but haven’t gotten round to it yet. Needless to say I will soon after reading this! This was the story in the anthology that psychologically scared me, brilliant! A spirit called Wendigo haunts the protagonist’s dreams, and soon the two meet face to face. SCARY STUFF 5/5

“The Flannigan Cure” by E V Knight show stopping. After this I immediately loaded the fourth whore onto my kindle. I’m not normally a fan of plot twists in short stories but this was executed PERFECTLY. After a doctor is forced to mortify his now illegal drinking habit, he comes across a grotesque alternative. 5/5 (I’d rate it 6 if I could)

“Tender Farm” by CV Hunt this authors reputation proceeds them, and my high hopes were met. John is tempted to spend the night at a nudist carnivorous camp by two women who share his view on vegetarianism, but Tender Farm is far worst than he anticipated and what he witnesses changes him forever. 4/5

I will be publishing this review on my instagram (@georgesreads) in the New Year along with a pre-order link, but for now I’d like to thank all of the talented authors involved and Rebecca Rowland for her kindness and the opportunity to read this in advance. It comes out March 7th 2023 and if you think you have the guts, GO FOR IT.