A review by pxisxngirl
The Sales Pro Meets His Mentor by Paul Anderson


The Sales Pro Meets His Mentor, by Wes Anderson, is a sort of key to unlocking how to be on top in the sales world. Its told from the point of view of a character rather than being narrated in a in the typical educational way. I felt that the made the topic more fun and easier to read about. The book gives the reader 10 life principles that will help you reach the top, and covers them in depth. It also teaches you how to maintain positivity in what is considered one of the hardest industries to be successful in. In sales, you will get 1 yes for every 100 no's, which can be very frustrating. Anderson teaches his audience how to be resilient and stay positive while building up your strength and stamina to help you stay on track.

I enjoyed the authors writing style and the flow of the information. I also enjoyed that this topic was told like a story, rather than just educating on the subject, as that can come across very dry or boring. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone working in the sales industry, as it has some really great information in it, but I also think that some of this information can be applied to our daily lives. Its a very short book, under a hundred pages, and is a quick and fun read.