A review by radiansreads
Angel Bait by Tricia Skinner


Let me start off by saying Paranormal UF is usually not my cup of tea. I also generally stay away from Romances. Paranormal Romance? That is another thing entirely as I do not read them at all (unless someone persuaded me to). Because of that I'm a bit wary about Angel Bait. Would I like this? Hell, would I even make it halfway through?

All that worrying proved to be stupidly useless, however, because as soon as I read the first couple of paragraphs I'm hooked. It's dangerously addicting and honestly, Angel Bait is a total hit that made me reconsider my initial suspicions on its genres.

I loved the concept of lycanthropes, faes, vampires, and pretty much all those mythical beings that I so loved living in the same world as humans. The way it worked was intriguing and fascinating. It was almost impossible to guess what would happen next. 'Almost' because I happen to have a good intuition and did actually manage to predict a couple of things. Hah. Still, the plot twists got me more than once.

Most important of all: Jarrid. Lo and behold, our tough, extremely tall and unbelievably gorgeous Nephilim with icy facade. The moment he spoke, I fell. Hard. What I loved most about him was his sense of humor --or lacked thereof at some point-- and his sarcasm. Definitely the sarcastic trait.

Then comes Ionie Gifford, whose witty humor and lovable personality always seem to tug at my heart. She's a strong woman who does not follow orders she didn't like. Her curiosity as a reporter is also one of the reason why I love her. Her character just felt real and genuine which made it easier to relate to her. Actually, all of the characters are perfectly established. It didn't take long to get attached to them, to feel their emotions and feelings.

I love how the author made full use of her characters without wasting anything or anyone. As the story goes on, the minor characters whom we met briefly in the beginning of the story, will reappear with bigger roles to play. The author also had laid out what seemed like a small, unimportant details during the first half of Angel Bait, then, at the second half, seamlessly connect them together to give us a beautiful and irresistible story.

In my opinion, the real swoon factor in Angel Bait is The Order. Those sexy, flawless beings undoubtedly stole my heart with their peculiarity. I totally can understand Ionie's initial fascination, and her fondness with them. Second is Jarrid himself (yes, he's nominated twice in the Swoon Factor Award). Third would be Jarrid's and Ionie's undeniable attraction towards one another (thrice, now, for Jarrid lol). All those times of uncertainty and reluctance had build up into sexual frustrations, and when they finally got over it, well, let's just say things got steamy. Good news for me, there wasn't the horny/lustful kind of love where the couple just jump on each other at every given opportunity. In Angel Bait, there was just the right amount of romance at the right time, which I absolutely loved.

All in all, I absolutely and undoubtedly love Angel Bait. It's just perfect and there wasn't a single thing I have complaint of. Well, except, you know, to have Cain to myself. Or Jarrid, but I'm not sure Ionie's the sharing type. Anyways, I look forward to the sequel, which I'm hoping would come out a.s.a.p.. In fact, I'm going to look out for the authors' other upcoming works because, let's face it, who doesn't want another piece of these lethal beauties?