A review by leigh_reidelberger
Dr. Mütter's Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine by Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz


This book was two of my favorite things at once- the story of a man whose museum has always left me in awe and wonder penned by one of my very favorite poets, Cristine O'Keefe Aptowicz.

I had read reviews that were less than favorable regarding this book- that Aptowicz had taken liberties with her narrative or that she was giving specifics to portions of his life that were previously unknown- to the naysayers, I say: whatever. Maybe she did take liberties, but she took them with a deft hand. She shows her literary skill in writing this story. A book on Thomas Mutter could easily come out long winded or painfully dry when describing the medical community and the practices of the times. Aptowicz ensures his story is never boring.

Prior to reading Dr. Mutter's Marvels, all I really knew about him was there was a museum bearing his name that is in my bucket list of places to visit. I had no idea he was such an incredible person. His story is almost too good to be true- a man whose true passion lies in helping others and continuing to learn and improve upon his already vast knowledge. His advancements within the medical world are really quite astounding. Dr. Mutter was crucial in introducing plastic surgery to the United States. He helped usher in the concept of clean, sterile work environments. He spoke passionately on the importance of patient care. He championed the wide use of anesthesia. All of this from *one* man.

Much thanks to Aptowicz for bringing Dr. Mutter's story to life and promoting his legacy.