A review by shirleytupperfreeman
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Steven Kotler, Peter H. Diamandis


This is an amazing book! The authors define abundance as 'providing all people with a life of possibility.' Imagine a world where 9 billion people have adequate clean water, food, shelter, energy, education and health. The authors not only imagine it, but think it is possible within the next 25 years. Yes, it seems overly optimistic but their argument (with supporting data) and their energy and enthusiasm are contagious. They outline the incredible technological advances that are occurring in psychology and biology and therefore in health care and food production, in education, in energy development, in every field of human endeavor. They tell the story in a readable format, but more than half the book is notes and data supporting their argument. The Kindle version is 45% words and 65% appendices and notes. I would highly recommend this book for anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship, technology, improving the world, helping others live a fulfilling life, you name it. If you read it, I'd love to know what you think.