A review by jacksontibet
The Instructions by Adam Levin


I don't really feel as if it's possible to do much justice with a review. Anything written will feel shallow, empty, worthless against the immense weight and genius of The Instructions. I read lots of books. Most of them are somewhere between ok and pretty good. Some of them are terrible. A handful are game changers, life affirmers, works of more than literary esteem. I don't know why a book falls in the latter category, but I know some of it's qualifiers. In all of its immensity (and none of the pretension that could come along with 1,030 pages) there is no filler. It is not hard to read. It will not make you feel better about yourself. You will not find a need to brag about reading it. It is not Ulysses. It is not Gravity's Rainbow. It is human nature. It is a middle school love story. It is cliques and bullies. It is the messiah and scripture. It is the delusional rantings of a Zion terrorist.
It is a beautiful thing.