A review by sternenstaub
The Black Knight by Terry Kavanagh


This superhero spin-off from Grimm Fairy Tales drops the reader right into the action as defense attorney Peyton Parks is forced to use her alter-ego the Black Knight to serve up some vigilante justice.

Peyton Parks hasn’t yet had a chance to get used to her new powers before a mob vendetta forces her to don her armor in the courtroom to save her guilty client from being murdered before he can spill his secrets. Russian syndicate leader Nadia Vasiliev has dark, shadowy schemes afoot, and she’s not about to let a traitorous hitman get between her and occult glory. In a confrontation between the bad guys and the even badder guys, the Black Knight might be the only thing between the city and an even darker, timeless villain.

Readers can look forward to bloody battles, quick transitions, a hero who is terrible at keeping her secret identity secret, and a healthy dose of Deus ex Machina. The art is full color, detailed, and consistent from issue to issue.

Review copy provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.
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