A review by donfoolery
Before the Incal by Zoran Janjetov, Alejandro Jodorowsky


The book almost defies your expectations of a prequel for [b:The Incal|10842223|The Incal|Alejandro Jodorowsky|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328039960s/10842223.jpg|15756581]. Still, you get the origins of pathetic Class "R" detective John DiFool, you see the byzantine and surreal chain of events that push him directly to his role in that story, and you see in the last chapter--which I personally could've done without--wherein Jodo feels the need to show every other character in The Incal and how they're positioned to take up their roles in that book. But that doesn't take away from how brilliantly the Jodoverse was fleshed out by Zoran Janjetov in true Moebius-like fashion. And while this story is a significantly lighter on spiritual concepts than The Incal, Jodo does a great job highlighting the existential and practical suffering of a world which lacks the spiritual.