A review by booklover160
Act-Age, Vol. 1 by Tatsuya Matsuki


Edit: Oh shit, I just learned that this series has been discontinued after the writer's arrest. I'm glad I didn't get too into it then.


This review will be for the whole series; read at your own risk!

Read 1 volume

This is a really interesting manga so far. 'Act-Age' follows Kei, a high school girl who is raising her two siblings after their mother dies and their father abandons them. Kei's dream is to be an actor and she has a tremendous talent for it. I think the art is really nice but can get distracting. I want to know more about Kei's background but there isn't room for it in book 1. The cliffhanger was pretty bad, but I saw it coming.

If you like this, check out [b:Skip Beat!, Vol. 01|282282|Skip Beat!, Vol. 01|Yoshiki Nakamura|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1173395297l/282282._SY75_.jpg|273828] for a similar vibe!