A review by ccgwalt
Skin Deep by Pamela Clare


This is an entertaining novella about Megan, Marc Hunter's sister ([b:Unlawful Contact|2771105|Unlawful Contact (I-Team, #3)|Pamela Clare|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1311279848s/2771105.jpg|2796834]), and Nate, a scarred former Marine. The shorter length does not allow for much character development, so Nate wasn't nearly as interesting as he could have been. With the extent of his injuries and the horror of the explosion that caused them, I can't imagine he wouldn't have at least some PTSD symptoms. That might have been an interesting angle to consider. As it was, Megan is the one with PTSD from her trauma as a teen. The story was a little too heartwarming for me, but was still enjoyable.

I was a little disappointed in the short story about Marc and Julian's beer run. I was expecting something humorous with some snappy dialogue between those guys, but instead got an interesting little action story. It was good, but I was expecting something very different.