A review by spiderkitten
Codename Baboushka: The Conclave of Death #2 by Shari Chankhamma, Antony Johnston


Eh, I was super excited for this series to come out but I am just not loving it. I think the story is ok as far as spy/thrillers go. But I am not loving the artwork. There are some panels where it looks like little to no effort was put in - it looks fairly rushed, hastily drawn. Other panels look really lovely. It's not very consistent. Also, I hate to be the person that picks on how the lead character is drawn or to comment on her looks, but c'mon. Ignoring the fact she has the most "stand out in a crowd" hair you could possibly have for a spy, there were scenes in this issue where there is no way her clothing would be supporting the size of her chest while she kicked those soldiers asses. I don't expect all my female heroines to be physically fit and to always wear appropriate clothing for job, but in this particular case it feels very much like it's trying too hard to be "sexy" and "mature" and to appeal to the teenage boy crowd. I think I will give issue #3 a miss.