A review by sarahlreadseverything
New York by Edward Rutherfurd


Honestly I didn't find "New York" as enjoyable as many of Rutherfurd's other novels. The story seemed rather more forced and lacked the intricacies of intertwining generations that is present in "The New Forest" or "London." Instead there was only one family - The Dutch/English Masters - that made appearences through a majority of the book, with other families present for two generations at most. Was also somewhat surprised by the lack of American Indian characters or influence, the novel starting well into European settlement. Many of Rutherfurd's other novels begin much earlier than permanent settlement and Indian settlements did exist in the New York area. Major African American characters also only appeared through the generations of slavery and disappear from the novel thereafter - it would have been interesting to see that story continue as well as/instead of the domination of the merchant-banker 'old money' family.