A review by goodeyreads
Cotswolds Holiday by Kasey Stockton





And I’m so glad I did! I did go back and forth A LOT on a few aspects so lets get into those.

There is soooo much drama involving ex’s. And at times it felt like too much, yet in the same breath, I was reveling in the drama of Luna and Rhys finding there path to be together. I know it’ll be a polarizing type of read for that. I’m just reallll dang happy it worked for me. Though I did struggle with the friend arc. I don't know, she forgave waaaay too easy for me.

Rhys was SWOONY. Every near touch, stolen kiss, and whispered endearments had me glued to the page. I loved his character. I enjoyed Luna as well. She’s a runner (meh), but I do think it was handled well enough for me to roll with. There was pretty solid communication between them and I loooove a get your girl moment and I was squealing when it happened.

The setting is perfect. A quaint pub in the countryside. I loved the side characters and the shenanigans that went down. Plenty of holiday cheer and perfect for the season.

Overall audience notes:
- Contemporary Holiday Romance
- Language: none
- Romance: kisses
- Trigger/Content Warnings: divorce, cheating (off page)