A review by krisandburn
Cherry Beats by Vicki James


When I was looking for an adult romance centred around a musical theme for my Musical May project, I came across this one. The reviews were great and I was expecting to love it as well.

Unfortunately, it did not quite win me over. Although it was pretty decent for the most part and certainly not as much as a cringefest as I have had the pleasure to experience with some adult romance in recent times (DNF…), it fell slightly short of doing what I wanted from it.

The author clearly is able to right strong characters and the main characters did have a ton of chemistry. That especially was something I really appreciated, as this is too often a problem for me in these type of books. However, did feel a little too much like fan fiction at times and it was just a bit too cliche for my tastes. What annoyed me what was told to be love was very much described as lust, which to me are two very different things. Not once did Tessa (Cherry) describe feelings that I recognised as actual love. It was all about the feelings down below, which would have been fine as this is an adult romance, but this was clearly meant to be a love story. That kind of confused me.

Also, this book struck me as very American and when I realised it was set in England with British characters it really surprised me. None of the characters were written as if they were English. I am not sure whether the author is American, but it was something I noticed.

That makes it sound like I did not like the book, but I liked it well enough. Honestly! This was a fun read that maybe was a bit longer than it needed to be. I would read more from this author in the future.