A review by thatwitchdahlia
Twelfth Grade Kills by Z Brewer


I read these when I was a kid and I really remember enjoying them-- though I did start these when I was in middle school and I'm now in my mid twenties. I was that nerdy Hot Topic kid with her face always stuck in a book, and this book was right up my alley then. I really remember enjoying reading these books but it's honestly been a while and I have read a lot since then, so I don't really remember a whole lot. But my rating is what 12-13 year old me probably would have rates them. Will I re-read? Maybe. But I don't know if I'll enjoy it the same as I did when I was younger and I honestly want to hold onto the positive feelings associated with that vampire smiley face that brings back fun memories of ignoring my math class on favor of teenage vampire stories.