A review by esseastri
Skyfarer by Joseph Brassey


Skyfarer is like Firefly on steroids, but with magic.

Which means it is absolutely 100% My Shit.

Listen, there are spaceships, but also the people in command of the spaceships are sorcerers and knights in magic armor with magic swords. There's a prophecy. There's magical portals that are sort of like hyperspace but instantaneous. There's a spaceship that's also a mountain. With laser cannons. There's magic spells and people throwing fire at each other and it's all very epic fantasy. It's sort of the perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy that I'm always here for. My favorite blend, to be quite honest.

Of course, some of it is very dark--there's mind control and an invasion of a besieged castle and all the violence that comes with that--but it's very optimistic. It's dark, but not grimdark. It does not revel in the violence. The main character, sorceress Aimee, is exactly the bright, intelligent, chaotic good heroine needed to balance out the dark, brooding violence of the black knight and the other antagonists. She's strong and full of magic, and it was like reading a better version of Rey and Kylo Ren. A much better version.

I'm desperately looking forward to the next one. I'm eager to see where this story goes--what allies might become enemies, what magic might mingle with what new technology, what trouble our tight-knit crew of scrappy vagabond adventurers might get themselves into. This book was like reading an adrenaline rush and I can't wait for the ride to continue.