A review by krmathyb
Boca Raton by Lauren Groff


This is the 2nd book in the Amazon collection of short stories called Warmer. Each story is somehow related to climate change.

The premises of the story involves a mother with anxiety over the impending effects of climate change and her fears for her daughter mixed with the silent uncontrollable character, insomnia. She feels that she has little to no control of her life and is struggling to keep it all together. As her time without sleep increases, readers will watch her day to day life and grip on reality start to falter and her worries over the affects of how climate change will affect her daughters future increases.

This is a quick read. It might shed some insight on climate change that you might not have thought of before, especially when it comes to parenting in a climate change world or how climate change might affect those that come after us.

Warning: This story does not have a happy or clean cut ending (which please note, I am totally ok with). I think the author was trying to go for an ambiguous ending (which I normally love), however, the ending to me did not feel ambiguous. It didn’t seem to fit, it felt more like their was more to be said before ending, or the ending wasn’t coming to the author so they just decided to leave it there.

Please Note: I received a free copy of this book and I am publishing an unbiased review.