A review by aayishaahmad
Don't Trust Me by Joss Stirling


I received this book with anticipation, having read Joss Stirling’s young adult books, I was excited to know that as I have gotten older, her writing style has too, allowing me to continue reading her books.
Initially, I found the storyline confusing, there was a lot going on, with little explanation, however, as you read along, more pieces were unravelled for the reader and slowly more and more made sense.
The story begins with Jessica, out of a ‘proper’ job, working for someone her boyfriend thinks she has made up. The story continues with her discovering a body, her boyfriend being arrested and her weaving her way through the truth to discover how the past had caught up and was now dictating the future.
It took a while to fully understand each character’s background, though I understand the need for mystery, some aspects like why Jessica left her first job could’ve been explained earlier as well as Michael’s job, to fully imagine each character to a while as these details were told later in the book.
Psychology was the theme used throughout, which was great. The amount research which would’ve been needed is amazing and having psychology mentioned and related to through kept an anchor in the book, for when the twists become too confusing, there was always something you could count on. The degree of knowledge Joss Stirling must have taken is commendable.
This book is a definite read, a wonderful thriller keeping you on the edge of your seat till the very end.