A review by megreads99
The Good Girl's Guide to Rakes by Eva Leigh


The Good Girl's Guide to Rakes: ★ ★ ★ ★ . 7 5

Eva Leigh (Last Chance Scoundrels, #1)

“There are so many blank pages ahead of us,” he said throatily. “We’ll fill them all with our adventures.”

There wasn't really anything I didn't like about this book, but it was just lacking that extra oomph that gives a book five stars. Nevertheless, this book is very cute & very sweet.

Kieran & Celeste's story is all about empowerment and advocacy for women's rights and independence with romance and sweetness to balance it all out. I adored both of them & even though there was third act conflict, it wasn't in between the couple & it was very well done.

Pretty intrigued by Finn, so I might continue with [b:How the Wallflower was Won|60017073|How the Wallflower was Won (Last Chance Scoundrels, #2)|Eva Leigh|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1644958315l/60017073._SY75_.jpg|94528763], especially now that Dom's story is coming soon! First [a:Eva Leigh|8886093|Eva Leigh|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1439934306p2/8886093.jpg] book but will not be the last.