A review by marshmallowbooks
The Floating Island by Elizabeth Haydon


This book saved itself. Just when I was about to move on without finishing it, there was a twist. One that I kind of expected, and almost didn't accept as reason to keep reading. But then there was a twist in the twist, and I had to finish the book. And I'm glad I did.

By the time I got to the end, the story of this first book in the series had been told completely, with no loose ends. No cliffhanger or burning questions to make me feel like I need to read the next one right now. But I am still eager to continue the series because there are still factors to be worked out and adventures to be had that do relate to this first segment. I want to know what else Ven and Char and Ida and Clem do, because I think it's going to be fun and engaging. But at the same time, I enjoy not feeling obligated to rush out and begin the next book immediately.