A review by tin_squid
Person by Sam Pink


I read a book. The author is famous so I pretend that's why I'm reading it. Really the cover appeals to me and it's free.
I read it in huge chunks. I want to be that person that says 'oh my god I just couldn't sleep till I finished this book' but instead I go to sleep.
I imagine the review I will write about the book while I'm finishing the book. It'll be clever, people will love it. They'll love me. Or not hate me.
It will subtly explain why the book resonated with me, all the snags of paranoia and depression that are so relatable. Why I was almost the person who couldn't sleep.
A year that doesn't get talked about.
But it'll be smoother than that, nothing to make anyone worry. Slightly bland but with mass appeal. And just enough tragedy.
I type and retype. I wonder if the tablet logs key strokes. I wonder who's job it is to read my key strokes.
I delete everything and write something else.
It feels like practice.