A review by ilyarozanov123
Acrobat by Mary Calmes


1.5 stars rounded up because of the pretty cover. I saw someone added a 0.5 for Nate getting stabbed, LOL. I’m not going to do that. But it was very annoying how he was such a saint and everyone and their mother loved him. There were so many secondary characters that were absolutely pointless and only there to tell Nate how awesome he was. And the touching. What the fuck was going on with all the touching.

I was so disappointed by this book. Angry and feeling betrayed for the first half, and then just resigned and annoyed. Nate was attempting to date some other dude for half the book. Then Dreo was shoe-horned in and suddenly he was the love of his life. I didn’t buy it for the one minute it took for them to get together.

There was so much going on and yet nothing at all. A mob plot that seemingly was only added for something to do. A saintly ex-wife. A son that was barely mentioned and never showed up on page, but was somehow the most important person in Nate’s life. I just don’t understand this book or the so-called plot or the writing. It was like being thrown into something mid-series with no explanation. I don’t get it.

I was so excited about this author after reading Frog but I don’t understand how she went from that to this in the same year. How very disappointing.