A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Every Line of You by Naomi Gibson


There has been a time I officially had to take an exam in coding. The coding was done on paper (who comes up with that?) and it was using C++. I wasn't good enough at it. Or better said: I made one tiny mistake too many to pass that exam. I'm still bitter about it and it ruined my love for coding, but reading about amazing coders in books is helping me to find back that love. And I was very curious about this one!

We were supposed to buddy read this book, spread out over 6 days. However, already on the first day I couldn't stop reading. I had the same trouble on the second day and on the third day there was a severe case of "one more chapter". The book was addictive, written amazingly well, very emotional and it was therefore almost impossible to put the book down. Every time I just HAD to know how the story would continue.

Apart from the fact that the book is quite emotional, mostly because it's actually a book about a girl longing for a little bit of love, for someone always being in her corner and for some unconditional support, it's also a book that has the main characters in a more grayish area. There are so many moments they cross lines and do things they really shouldn't do, but it's impossible not to understand why and not to still love them.

However, as a lot of books about AI's, it's also a book about the dangers of AI's, what makes them different from humans and why it's important to teach them things as regret and morality. And yet, despite all the warnings, despite the awful things our AI does, I can't help but loving this AI and the devotion he feels towards his girl. It's not hard to imagine that Lydia would go as far from him as she does and simply refuses to let him go.