A review by karenleagermain
Salvation by Lucia Nevai


Lucia Nevai’s “Salvation” is a story that is so depressing with such messed up characters that I just couldn’t put it down. The story is told from the point of view of Crane Cavanaugh, who was born despite a botched abortion attempt, to a mother who is a whore. Crane’s mother moves into a shack, where she becomes a squatter with a couple and their two children. This group becomes somewhat of a family that picks up odd jobs and preaches. The three children are forced to band together against a life of abuse and neglect.

Crane’s life drastically changes, when child welfare steps in and separates the children. The book is really about adults having their own agenda; regardless of whether or not ultimately benefits the children that are in their care. Also, it shows the cycle of abuse, in both the adults and the children. Everyone in this book has major issues.

I liked Nevai’s style and would look for her books in the future. I found parts to be a bit tedious, especially the pages and pages of ant behavior. I think she could easily write a follow up to this book, with the same characters. I would love to know more about Jima.

Final note…I am a sucker for any book that has anything to do with carnivals and tent revivals! This book had a bit of both!

Final-Final Note…this book was also a Tin House publication, which is almost always an automatic win!