A review by booksarethenewblack
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


You can see my reviews here: Books Are The New Black

4.5 stars!

I am so sad that it took me so long to read this book. I really enjoyed Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom didn’t disappoint! It’s a great sequel and ending to this story.

I didn’t know that I could love these characters any more than I already did. We learn so much more about these characters and their complex personalities/pasts. I came to really respect and root for them more. They are each dealing with so many intense pasts and it’s inspiring how they make it through. It’s so hard to even pick a favorite because they all bring so much to the table. Well… I guess, Kaz is kind of on the top of the list. The way his mind works is so fascinating.

The plot is so fast paced and there’s always something going on. I had a bit of a problem with the first book being much slower paced. I did not have that problem here. It’s a big book but I was just so intrigued that I had to know what was happening next. Bardugo’s writing in this book is so fantastic. She’s really just brilliant! There’s so many times that I thought I knew what was going down to have twists happen. Don’t get me wrong, I did guess a lot. I’m just glad that she was able to surprise me, even if I didn’t enjoy the surprises.

I really appreciated the complex relationships that Bardugo has in this book. For example, Jespers and his father. It was totally believable and realistic. Even everyone’s relationship with Kaz. I think that is probably because he’s just so closed off but it’s interesting to see how everyone sees him.

I really recommend this duology! I enjoyed this duology so much that I can’t wait to read more from Bardugo. I have not read the Grisha trilogy but I do own the books. I will be getting to that series soon!