A review by meepelous
Chainmail Bikini: The Anthology of Women Gamers by Sarah Winifred Searle, Hazel Newlevant


A really fast really fun read, it was actually a pretty painful reminder of some of the internalized misogyny that still lingers deep within my heart. Because F it, I'm as geeky and gamery as the next person >.< even if I don't see my games as REAL games.

As far as the art goes, 99% of it was on point although if you aren't already comfortable with some rougher web comic and memoir comic styles you may find some of it a bit hard on the eyes. It also helps that childhood is a bit of a recurring theme, and a lot of the styles do reflect that vibe. The fact that everything was black and white also helped to draw things together, although I might have ordered things a bit differently if it was up to me.

Each story in and of itself is pretty short, but there was a nice mixture of light and deep, personal and abstract. I do feel like this volume pushes us forward more than a little. I'm pretty excited about the even more different kinds of stories that are no doubt waiting for us just beyond the horizon ^^