A review by unusualsnowunicorn
Dorothy Must Die: Stories by Danielle Paige


No Place Like Oz * (One Star)
This was the least enjoyable story of all three. While it tried to remain truthful to the original novel by referencing her wearing silver shoes the first time, Glinda was portrayed as in the movie in pink, while she had red hair, a white dress and blue eyes in the novel. I never got over the mistake on page 40, "Henry hurried after, her but he wasn't as easy on his feet as she was, and he stumbled a few times as he tried to get up". Out of the three view points of the three stories, Dorthy was the least interesting.
The Witch Must Burn****(Four Stars)
This was the best story of the book in my opinion, probably due to the fact Jellia is my favourite character we meet. I find issues though with this part, "We have cornfields that grow pre-roasted corn on the cob and talking animals"(page 165), on account how would she know otherwise? She's been in Oz for her life, never visiting the world Dorthy and the Wizard have come from. It wouldn't be stranged to her, and since she and Dorthy never got a long, and she'd never met the Wizard she would know of nothing for comparison.
The Wizard Returns *** (Three Stars)
This one had the least plot holes to me, and was the second most attention grabbing. I can't really complain much on this one, minus the ending is horrible if you love the character (not spoiling).
1+4+3=8 stars/3 stories=2.66 stars or 3
I shall be reading the next story.