A review by kylie_echard
A Fate Inked In Blood by Danielle L. Jensen


Loved every minute of this book!

I want to emphasize how much I love Norse culture and beliefs. It is my absolute favorite. Having “threads” of Viking life be the main star here is everything to me.

Either I’m obsessed with the MMC or the author didn’t describe in too much detail any other male figure in this book. Bjorn is HOT! Literally!

FMC didn’t ~kill~ the vibe every time but she made damn sure her temper got in the way of a lot of pivotal moments. She redeems herself most of the time. Honestly if I was faced with her dilemmas- if it were real life- I’d probably do exact what she does/thinks.

I am so ready for the second book in this duology. What was I thinking when I read this so early on?!

I’m on to read more of this author’s books because if they are anything like this one, I’ll be one happy lady.