A review by ktyne
Capricorn Cravings by Trish Jackson


Check out my review on my blog!


I had a few reservations about this book prior to starting it. I don’t typically read adult romance novels but I decided to give this one a try (primarily because the main character is a veterinarian). I was worried that this book would cater to one thing only: sex. Thankfully, I was wrong and there was a strong plot line outside of the bedroom.

I enjoyed this book way more than I expected to. It was incredibly fast paced and I wasn’t bored at all. I found the murder mystery very intriguing even though I figured out who the serial killer was at 40% of my way through the novel. Despite the fact that I knew who killer was, I was still curious to see exactly where the plot would go.

I thought Riley was a strong female lead. Her backstory was intense but what she endured throughout the book was equally as challenging. Powell was a decent love interest though he fell a little short for at times because he was a tad blunt and crude about what he wanted from Riley. I wouldn’t say he was disrespectful per se, just direct. Overall, I did like him and thought he was a good match for Riley.

There was one thing that I found slightly off putting about this book. I hated the way the men talked about women. It was incredibly objectifying and any time a young woman was introduced into the story the first almost all the male characters would do was talk about if they thought she would be a good lay. Whether or not it’s an accurate representation of the way men talk amongst one another, it wasn’t something I wanted to read.

Though this novel was pretty predictable, I still enjoyed it a lot. It was fun but definitely had a dark side to it. I’d recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a romantic novel with a dark twist to it.