A review by missdevo
Backcheck Heart by Kat Summers


Backcheck Heart is the first story in the LA Crush Hockey series by Kat Summer. It's a novella, but it still packs a wallop. Morgan has a big sunshiny personality, and some people in her life have made her feel like she's too much. Enter our grumpy Czech hero Radek "Ralphie" Nokavik, a secret cinnamon roll who falls hard and fast for Morgan and can't wait to show her he can't get enough. 
     I loved the theme that's woven into this story about never being "too much" to the right people. The emotional journey for Morgan is well written and pulled me in completely. I appreciate her ability to open up to Ralphie after her past experiences. Ralphie is top tier book boyfriend material. He's so sweet and afraid of being too forward that someone who's been through what Morgan has isn't sure quite where she stands. Like all the greats though, when it's go time, his switch flips and he unleashes the filthy mouthed protective stud inside. 
     This book is a quick fun read with some emotional impact. Novellas can be hit or miss for me, but this one definitely made me want to read more in this series. Thanks to Yours Truly PR & Kat Summers for the ARC opportunity to review.