A review by blondebookstagrammer
What We Find by Robyn Carr


What I Liked:
⛺️ SULLY! Probably my favorite character in the book. He’s incredible and hilarious. I was laughing so hard at him.
⛺️ Terese Plummer’s narration is always incredible and again, did not fail.

What I Didn’t Like:
⛺️ All the million plot lines throughout the book. Like I would have preferred one that was more developed.
⛺️ A lot of talk about Maggie and Cal’s sex life and it honestly didn’t have a reason to be discussed. I don’t mind steam in books but this was just kinda weird and thrown into the book.
⛺️ Parts of the book were in depth (ie. Medical settings, but nothing else was further explored except this aspect honestly)